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  • 144 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 1433568403
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1433568404

Knowing about our Lord Jesus Christ, is a subject in which christians must invest much of our time and all our interest. Usually books on Christology are quite technical, but this book entitled "Is Jesus Truly God?" It's a great introduction to who Jesus is, but particularly his divinity.

Dr. Lanier starts from a very important concept within Christology, such as preexistence, also considering the Son in the Trinity, and what the Old Testament announces about him, and how all the Scriptures affirm that Jesus is the truly the Son of God.

This book makes a great contribution in the midst of a time in which skepticism and very harmful theological currents are influencing not only society but also some Christian communities. Many are wondering about the identity of Jesus and if he is truly divine.

In addition, the reader should consider that this book is not merely an informative book, but also contributes to rethinking our lives as believers in light of the testimony of the Scriptures. Bible school teachers and pastors will greatly benefit from this book to make even more accurate expositions about Christ as our divine savior.

It should be noted that the book makes reference to important theological works that the reader can also consult for a better reading. The writing style is clear, enjoyable and understandable.

Do you want to know what the Scriptures say about Jesus as God? This book can be a supplement to your search.

About the author: Greg Lanier (PhD, University of Cambridge) is associate professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. He also serves as associate pastor of River Oaks Church (PCA). He has published multiple books and scholarly articles on early Christology, the Gospels, the Septuagint, and other topics. Greg and his wife, Kate, live in Florida with their three daughters.

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