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Pages: 240
Brazo Press
ISBN: 9781587434655

Jesus a great savior? Absolutely. Jesus a perfect shepherd? Of course. Jesus a great philosopher? Hey, wait a second.

Today, philosophy in many Christian communities is viewed with some suspicion and little necessary for the Christian faith. And it seems even more alien and scandalous to us, to say that Jesus was a philosopher. This alarmism arises from ignorance or baseless prejudices, because the truth is that Jesus is the greatest and best philosopher.

To help us come out of the shadows, and discover this impressive aspect about Jesus, we find this book entitled "Jesus the great philosopher", written by Dr. Jonathan T. Pennington, who with great skill and with a friendly and academic style, makes us see that as Christians we can confidently say that Jesus is the great philosopher and therefore he offers us the best philosophy. As the author writes “Christianity is not just a set of doctrines but a divine whole-life philosophy worth dying for, if need be”.

Therefore, it is time to know and follow Jesus and his philosophy.

In this book, the reader will find a good short introduction to philosophy, and how Christianity from its inception has promoted the true philosophy. For this, the author presents us  the great philosophical ideas found in the Scriptures, particularly presenting Moses as a philosopher, who presented the life instructions to the people and how the prophets spoke of this, to finally speak of the Gospels as testimony of the life of Jesus, and of how the philosophy of Christian life is presented. All this under four criteria: metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and politics.

Then the author takes us to a more practical part, in which he talks about emotions, relationships and happiness. Issues that directly address our understanding of the philosophy that we find in Scripture. There would be a lot more to say, especially on the approach to stoicism, which is very good. But, I encourage you to get this book.

I believe this book will challenge our understanding of who Jesus is, leading us to see our Lord as the one who shows us how to live. Only in Jesus the Messiah, we find true eudaimonia and ataraxia.

You can get this book here.

I received this book for free from the publisher and was not required to write a positive review for the book.


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