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Who Is Jesus of Nazareth?
Craig L. Blomberg
Pages: 112
ISBN: 9781683595298

Who is Jesus of Nazareth? It is a question that has been asked at all times and enunciated by different characters. Some illiterate and others highly learned.

The answer to this question marks a before and after in life. It was approximately eighteen years ago, when I also asked that question, despite having grown up in a christian home, I asked myself who is Jesus? Thank God I got to know him.

The series ‘Questions for restless minds’, seeks to help those who have some questions, especially young people who are beginning to interact in a university environment. However, I believe that this series will be of benefit to all believers.

Thanks to Lexham Press, I had the opportunity to read a volume of this series I titled 'Who is Jesus of Nazareth?' And I must say that this brief but insightful book, responds effectively to this question. The first thing Dr. Craig Blomberg does is offer us historical evidence about Jesus, starting from the Scriptures, offering greater attention to what the gospels say about Jesus. A tour that will be very useful. Then the author offers other sources about Jesus, which present us a very different portrait from the canonical gospels. Portraits that are popular for series or fiction literature. This leads us to evaluate the canonicity of the gospels, to finally consider what is the importance of the historical Jesus.

I enjoyed this book, particularly chapter two in which Dr. Blomberg exposes the gospels and how they are reliable sources. "In sum, the Gospel writers had every reason to want to preserve accurate history."(pp.23)

In our time, it is important not only to know what we believe but why we believe it, this series will be especially useful to young people, to respond to the contemporary challenges of our faith.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. You can get this book here.

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