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Bible Workbook: Old Testament and New Testament Volume 1&2
Catherine B. Walker
Moody Publisher

In this first volume, the author begins by showing some generalities of the Bible, such as the unity, the translations, the literary genres and the main divisions of the Scriptures.

Then, it begins to show us a general structure of each book of the Old Testament, which consists of the meaning of the name of the book, the author and other very interesting data. The reader will find that the structure of each book of Scripture contains a series of questions to deepen further in the reading of the Scriptures.

An interesting detail in this volume is that the author makes a connection between the Old and New Testaments, allowing the reader to have a clearer picture about the Scriptures.

In the second volume, the author shows to the reader the historical data that are very important for the reading of the New Testament, followed by the literary genres of the NT and general information.

One of the things that I liked to find in this book was, the outline of the life of Christ, very useful for those who want to know better the narrative of the Gospels.

Then we find, as in the first volume, the NT books and letters, structured in main points, with study questions.

This books will be very useful for every student of the Scriptures, since it is written in a simple way, allowing the assimilation of the content to be more accessible.

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