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Demons: What the Bible Really Says About the Powers of Darkness
Michael S. Heiser
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9781683592891

Satan and demons, a topic that has been of interest within and out of Christian communities, for some such interest results in a kind of obsession whose foundation is disinformation, for others they are non-existent entities, and finally some seek to learn what the Scriptures say to the respect.

Dr. Michael Heiser, presents a challenging and enriching work on the subject of demons, starting from the literature of the Old Testament, LXX, writings of Judaism of the Second Temple, and the New Testament, leads us to know how demonology was conceived by writers.

It is important to mention that, although the references are solidly academic, Dr. Heiser does a wonderful job of explaining them so that every reader is more clear. Very accessible.

The reader - or at least that was my experience - will enjoy section 4 entitled “Common Questions and Misconceptions”, in which the author disarticulates many popular but mistaken ideas regarding demonology.
I consider this book to be challenging, refreshing, and necessary in this day and age where imagination supplants facts.

You can buy or get more information about the book through Lexhman Press or Amazon

I also recommend this series of posts that Dr. Whiterington has co-developed with Dr. Michael Heiser, which talks more about this book and other topics.

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