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  •  288 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 1683593952
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1683593959
  • Lexham Press

The Scriptures are very useful and helpful for the christian life. But occasionally we find some difficult passages to interpret or understand. Some what they do is omit those texts and stay with those they understand, but, on the other hand, the questions are still there, what does this text mean? What are its implications?

In this sense, Dr. Murray J. Harris has written a book that comes to help those who have certain doubts or difficulties with some texts of the Bible, particularly the New Testament (we also hope that an edition on the Old Testament). The book presents us more than 60 biblical texts, grouped in canonical order. Dr. Harris writes, this texts could "be classified as either ‘problem texts’ or ‘key verses’ ". They are significant texts that we have grappled with more than once and that we have omitted to study.

So this book is helpful for those who want to do research on these difficult texts, but it is also a tool that encourages us to develop our exegetical skills. This book can be helpful to anyone, particularly those who are Bible school teachers or pastors.

After reading this book, you will have not only an answer about difficult texts but also a desire to learn even more about the scriptures.

In particular, I have been wanting Dr. Harris to expand on some texts, but I imagine that this is because space must be given to other texts within the book. I've really enjoyed this book, I hope you do too and we get to know the Scriptures even more and better.

May the author's wish come true: “It is my hope and prayer that the insights offered here may prompt in the reader a deeper love of the biblical text, a richer appreciation of its main themes, and an enhanced devotion to its ultimate Author — and perhaps even a desire to learn Greek!"

You can get the book on Amazon or Lexham Press

I received this book for free from the publisher and was not required to write a positive review for the book

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