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Price: $14.99
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: NavPress (June 20, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1631465481

There are books that lead us to reconsider our thoughts about an issue. And this is one of those. After reading this book it has been inevitable for me to see the work in another way and not only mine, but also that of my friends or neighbors.

Like the author I have looked for in them some thought or an idea about the form of being or acting of God.

Pastor Van Sloten has written a challenging book that consists of 12 chapters. He begins by establishing an idea in the reader: All works matter to God. Then he show us how our work is a parable of the work of God.

Part three (one of my favorites) shows us how God reveals himself through our work and finally the author shows us how we can reflect the image of God in an effective and consistent way in our work. This last part contains five challenging chapters.

In each chapter we will know different characters with different works but all of them show us that each work is a parable.

One detail I enjoyed very much about this book was that at the end of each chapter I found a section titled "Lectio Divina", a series of questions for reflection (ideal for small groups). I also like the direct, pleasant and fluid style of the author.

Some of my favorite quotes from this book:

We need to be doing both at the same time - loving God and loving our neighbour-to be fully alive

God is whispering truth and meaning in the most ordinary and small places. In fact, those are often the places where God specially shows up.

If you can't love an ordinary job, how can you ever find God there?

For more information on this book click here

Thanks to Tyndale House Publisher for the electronic copy to review

Who is the author?

John Van Sloten is a pastor, teacher and writer who lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. For the past 20 years he's been exploring a worldview that seeks to discern God's voice in all things: the Bible, the arts, sport, science, film, music, literature, history, mathematics, nature and human nature. John's first book, The Day Metallica Came to Church: Seeing the Everywhere God in Everything (Square Inch, August 2010), listened for God's whispers in pop culture. John's second book, Every Job a Parable; What Walmart Greeters, Nurses and Astronauts tell us about God (Navpress/Tyndale, June 2017, US, Hodder and Stoughton, August 2017, UK), listens for God's words at work. John has been the recipient of two John Templeton Foundation grants, exploring the intersection of faith and science in the context of preaching, and currently writing his third book on God's revelation through the human body.

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