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The Lordship of Christ: "Serving our Savior all of the time, in all of life, with all of our heart"
Autor: Vern S. Poythress
Publicado por Crossway
224 páginas
ISBN-10: 1433549530
ISBN-13: 978-1433549533

Vern S. Poythress, ha estado enseñando Nuevo Testamento en el Seminario Teológico de Westminster en Filadelfia desde 1976. En 1981 fue ordenado como presbítero docente en el Sínodo de la Iglesia Reformada Presbiteriana Evangélica, que ahora se ha fusionado con la Iglesia Presbiteriana en América.

Entre sus libros publicados se encuentran: Chance and the Sovereignty of God, God-Centered Biblical Interpretation, The Miracles of Jesus: How the Savior's Mighty Acts Serve as Signs of Redemption.

El libro está formado por cuatro partes:

1. El llamado a servir a Cristo: Una exposición bíblica del señorío de Cristo y de nuestro deber de servirle.

2. Recursos para servir a Cristo: Principios bíblicos para servir a Cristo. Es citado el ejemplo de Abraham Kuyper.

3. Áreas para servir a Cristo: Las áreas en las cuales podemos servir a Cristo.

4. Trampas a evitar en nuestro servicio: Como vencer algunos obstáculos en nuestro servicio a Cristo.

El argumento de este libro gira alrededor de un pensamiento de Kuyper: " “No hay un centímetro cuadrado en todo el dominio de nuestra existencia humana sobre el cual Cristo, como Soberano sobre todo, no clame ‘mío!’”

El autor nos desafía a servir al Señor no solamente en nuestras congregaciones locales, sino también en nuestras vidas diarias y cualquier área.

Personalmente, es un libro que me ha desafiado a ver que todo le pertenece a nuestro Señor y que por lo tanto podemos servirle en amor y reverencia.

The Lordship of Christ: "Serving our Savior all of the time, in all of life, with all of our heart"
Autor: Vern S. Poythress
Published by Crossway
224 pages
ISBN-10: 1433549530
ISBN-13: 978-1433549533

Vern S. Poythress, has been teaching in New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia since 1976. In 1981 he was ordained as a teaching elder in the Reformed Presbyterian Church Evangelical Synod, which has now merged with the Presbyterian Church in America.

Some of his published books are: Chance and the Sovereignty of God, God-Centered Biblical Interpretation, The Miracles of Jesus: How the Savior's Mighty Acts Serve as Signs of Redemption.

In this book titled "The Lordship of Christ," Dr. Poythress deepens us two important issues for the Christian life: service to Christ and the lordship of Christ.

The book consists of four parts:

1. The Call to Serve Christ: An exposition of the lordship of Christ and of our duty to serve.

2. Resources for serving Christ: Biblical principles to serve Christ. It is presented the example of Abraham Kuyper.

3. Areas of Service

4. Traps to Avoid in our service: How to overcome some obstacles in our service to Christ.

The argument of this book revolves around a Kuyper thought: 'There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over Which Christ, Who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: Mine"

The author challenges us to serve the Lord not only in our local congregations, but also in our daily lives and any area.

Personally, it is a book that has challenged me to see that everything belongs to our Lord and therefore can serve in love and reverence.

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