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Author: Douglas A. Campbell
Paperback: 200 pages
Publisher: Eerdmans (January 18, 2018)
ISBN-10: 0802873472
ISBN-13: 978-0802873477

As you already know, I have several posts talking about the apostle Paul and literature related to him. This time I want to talk about one of the most practical books about the apostle Paul, published by Eeerdmans. What is it that makes this book different from the others? His style, the author writes in a very pleasant and clear manner.

There are 200 pages that will introduce us to the life of Paul and his theological thought. Those who have never read a book about Paul, would do well to start their journey with this work.

Each chapter ends with a series of questions that help us to deepen what we have read or could be useful for a study group.
The book is divided into two parts: The first presents the background of Paul, his travels and his thoughts. The second part shows us the struggles of Paul and his hope.

If this year you think about studying more about the apostle Paul, this is one of the books that will help you get introduced to the story of the Pharisee who was transformed by the grace of God.

Other data:
  • It does not use footnotes but is at the end of the book
  • The cover was very interesting to me, although the design could have been more striking.
You can buy it at Eerdmans or Amazon

Thanks to Eerdmans for an digital uncorrected advanced copy. I hope this book will be very helpful for those who want to know Pablo.

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